Friday, December 16, 2011
Chicken & Dumplings: A Slice of Life
I will begin with a disclaimer: my first experience with chicken was not so good. When I was 16, mom enrolled me in a serious cooking crash-course. Read: The You- can't live- on- sweets- and -rice- for- the- rest -of- your- life course. My first project, with her instructing, was to roast a chicken. The day of this endeavor was a toasty 100 degrees. All fine and good and HOT until I dropped the chicken on the floor. Yes, you read that right: I dropped the entire chicken on the floor. Let's just say my family have strong immune systems.
On to Thursday's chicken endeavor! I stared down into the sink with a whole chicken in the colander below me. I hate whole chickens. Foster Farms boneless and skinless are my forte, and, in my mind, the only sort of chicken they should produce. Here's why: whole chickens entail things such as chicken hearts, chicken livers, chicken guts. Disembowling a chicken is not my idea of a pleasant morning-time activity. It's not as if Foster Farm's is lazy and doesn't take the time to remove the unwanted detritus. No, they take the guts out and then put them back in. I am still mystified as to why exactly they do this. At the very least, they could have the chickens with hearts in tact for those who want them, and the gut-less ones for squeamish people like me.
Enough with that. I gutted the chicken and stuck it in the pot, happy to know the worst was over. Right. Time comes to remove the chicken from the pot and shred it. No big deal. As soon as I manage to lift the ungainly thing out, it splits. Lying their in the sink it looks like something of the cover of "Chicken Undead: Editor's cut, Unrated." Or maybe some sort of rotting zombie head. I shredded the thing and pondered how familiar I was becoming with chicken anatomy.
The rest was easy as pie, and I got my dumplings. I even made new fond memories in my adulthood of cooking the undead chicken and then enjoying it during a Once Upon A Time marathon with my corny-tv-watching-Partner-in-Crime. Here's to happy memories and slices of life and Christmas break!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Follow the Leader
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Confetti from the Sky
I'm in denial that it's already October. I'm in denial that my mind is currently living in November, and that an entire month became booked in the space of a weekend. There it is though, disintegrating planner and all.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Quiddity: it's my new favorite word.
The Good I've Got
Sunday night I set my alarm for 5:20. 5:20. Usually any alarm set before 6 means I get to do something exciting, such as going to the airport. But today it meant I was going to the gym. Black- deep, dark, thick- was the first thing I saw. The next thing was Malcolm’s face telling me he was going back to bed instead of suffering along with me at the gym. Just as a little background: I've never been to a gym before. Most the stuff in there looks pretty similar to what I imagine the Spanish Inquisition may have used- and all I’ve ever seen of treadmills are the YouTube videos of people falling off of them. At 5:30 in the morning, I was pretty sure that was destined to be me. I got through it without incident, however, and 2 hours later I was in the car arguing with Malcolm over whether or not it was a viable option to listen to Pink before 8 am. I (barely) made it through U.S. History, escaped to Sweetie Pies for café au lait, and made it back in time to find a spot in the madhouse known as the NVC parking lot before Theatre 100. Lunch break. Homework. Read. Email. Class. Home. Breathe.
Bright- not the soft buttery light bright, but a hot, white blaze- rivaled with my alarm this morning. Today I don’t have to go to class. Today is an everything day. Homework-clean-errands-read-write-everything day.
Wednesday: Monday’s twin.
Thursday: another Everything day.
Friday: Happy-Weekend(!) day.
In the great scheme of things, most of my time is filled with pretty normal stuff: classes, homework, essays, conversations, losing paperwork, driving, novels, writing. Mundane.
Is it really, though- mundane? I’m not so sure I want to confine life under the constrains of those powerful 7 letters. As soon as any day-in-day-out becomes labeled ‘mundane’ it tends to remain there. And before I know it, whole slices of time are lost in the whirlpool of ‘everyday life’ and forgotten. Gone, with only the thrilling left to occupy. And when the thrilling becomes dull? Time is rushed- rushed for the next big thing, rushed to finish what doesn’t seem to count anymore, rushed and gone. Never to be seen again.
I haven't decided if then I should seek the extraordinary in the ordinary, or merely take joy in the mundane things. Maybe both. Either way, I never want today- or any day for that matter- to remain just another day.
Mondays, then- instead of treadmills and driving to school and wasting away in History class- hold the beauty of a black sky and the stillness before the world wakes up; bring the laughter that comes when Malcolm gives me his logic for driving around with a dead black rose on our dash; inspire thankfulness for the means to go to school.
" 'You could send your soul after the good you had expected, instead of turning it to the good you had got. You could refuse the real good; you could make the real fruit taste insipid by thinking of the other' " (Perelandra)
* *
Friday, August 5, 2011
Life at the Moment
Monday, August 1, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Coffee and Cinnamon Rolls
As much as I abhor airports, I've found some of my best memories are made in them. Saturday morning all of the staff packed up in the vans one last time to head off to Philadelphia International Airport and then home. For the most part I held up some sense of put-togetherness on the 45 min. trip there, and then promptly began to lose it as we pulled up to the terminals. 2 hours of sleep were a lovely thing to blame for the absolute puddle of tears I became, but in all truth I had just been hit with the realization of how much everyone I was saying goodbye to had become a part of my life. Goodbyes are messy and wet and mostly incoherent (at least on my part) when exchanged between dear friends. In the midst of all the hugging and sobbing, though, there was something beautiful. As cheesy as it may sound, our summer ending and all the heart-wrenching goodbyes it entailed was the result of a love that goes beyond understanding.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Staff Training: WVA 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Spring and Camp Preparation
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Speaking of Joy
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
In Review
I'm irritated with myself because I can't seem to think of anything worthwhile to write. Time is going so fast and I want it just stop for a moment. Maybe it's the schizophrenic March weather, but I have a constant feeling of displacement, or being rushed from one day to the next without knowing how. The past three weeks have been pretty full, but looking at my now-rainbow colored planner (here's to highlighting assignments and tests in neon colors!), it was just the calm before the storm.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hello, Wednesday
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Remembering for a Wild Moment...
Today is Wednesday, and usually by Wednesday I start missing my blog. Or rather, I miss the lull of checking my stats page to see what new obscure country has maintained a position on my readership list. Believe it or not, a person in Malaysia has read my blog! It was probably a mistake... So while my new official posting day is Saturday, as far as time allows, Wednesday will be something like "Quote Day," or maybe just a chance for me to offer up a middle week pick-me-up.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
6:00 AM
Monday will mark my 3rd week of school and something like my 5th week of pursuing intentionality. It really only took until the Thursday of my first week of school to realize this was going to be harder than I thought.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Big and the Little
It has been 2 weeks, 1 Hawaii vacation, and 1 first day of school since my last post. This means I am due for a new one. Trouble is, I have no new thoughts. Or more accurately, they have been thoughts along the lines of "Where on earth did they hide the Psych room?" "Did he really just LICK that?!?" and "rolloverhitthesnoozebutton....10moreminutes1omore." The last one really is how I think at 6 am. And multiple paragraphs of these sort of thoughts don't make for much of an edifying blog post. Instead, here are 5 things I'm thankful for, big and little, in no particular order.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Reflections on Adventures in Narnia
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an absolutely wonderful holiday (it's my favorite one!) and is enjoying whatever is left of Christmas break. I definitely am.